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United (Continued from page 1)

Oath of Office. He had that dreamy "I'm trying to be solemn" look he gets when he thinks he's saying something important. Although I was tempted to become irate, I resolved something. We're all Americans. We've been divided before, and we know what happened then. I'm not willing to endure another Gettysburg. On the other hand, I'm also not willing to endure another Gulf War. So, I'll compromise. It's the way we've always done it. Mellow protesting and intellectual resistance is the way to go.
    I agree with next to nothing that comes out of our new President's mouth. Just listening to him drawl makes me want to declare war on Texas. There's nothing we can do now, though. Protesting, though effective as far as being covered by the media, does little to nothing when it holds no grounds for constitutional violation. I may not agree with the new Republican majority or their chosen one... but I can live with it as along as I have the right to try to change it.
There are still things we can do to turn our country around for the better. George W. isn't going to make all the decisions around here. If we want legislation passed or changed, it's up to us to urge our Congressmen to do so. If we think something is in violation of our rights, it's up to us to bring it to Mr. Bush's attention. If we want a Democratic twist to this newly Republican nation, we have to make it happen.
  Popular sovereignty is what America is all about, people.  So, quit your whining and try being useful. I didn't want him in the White House, either.