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By: Bobbie Marcoux
As I fill out enormous numbers of forms and essays for college, I can't help but wonder how these sheets of paper will actually be relevant to my future?  In ten years, will it actually matter that I chose this college, or that one?  So much, and so little, of our lives is actually determined by college.  It's kind of cool when they send you posters and stuff as free advertising and persuasion to get you to go to their school.  I like free stuff.  Only I have this issue with the Free Stuff Gods: I never seem to get anything from the Electoral College.  I've been hearing a lot about it lately and I figured…why not give it some thought?  I mean, after all, it was supposedly created for those who were less involved and educated.  If they can handle those people, then they've gotta be able to handle me.  If I don't like it, I can always transfer, right?  Maybe it was founded to give people more motivation and encourage involvement.  Maybe it was founded to help me put my life on track and be more focused about my goals.  Maybe it was founded to help me solidify my career plans and choose a better means for success.  Maybe it was founded to allow even the lowliest of the low to climb into the driver's seat of the highest political offices -like of the United States!    Naaaahh.  That couldn't be it
When I'm sifting through my college mail and choosing colleges that make my options more clear and tossing those that only make things increasingly nebulous, I try to steer

away from the brochures that sound so generic.  Do you really think that a college which shows the same Hispanic on every page is really meeting the needs of minorities?? I look for colleges that seem to have a purpose, not ones that cater to a one-size-fits-all tract of life.  I don't want anything preventing me, a citizen, and one who can vote I might add, from making the choices that are particular to my life.  Appeasing the majority should not be settled for when you're paying for the results -even those brochures!  After all, isn't the majority of this country really just a bunch of minorities?  Hmmm.  Let's think about that one.  I really do think that our needs need to be better represented in college, in all colleges, even the Electoral College.  For instance, something I heard about the Electoral College (other than it was founded for dumb people) is that you're not allowed to vote there.  I mean, you are, but not really.  I heard that when you vote while attending Electoral College, you really just vote for representatives who vote for you, and that those representatives only represent the majority of voters.  What about all the little me's out there!  There are lots of us!  Anyway, those representatives of the majority can actually vote anyway they want.  What kind of representation is that??!  There are no rules at this college that make the representatives actually represent the majority, they're just supposed to.  But they can vote any way they want.  And, since one of my needs is making sure that when I go to college that I can vote, I'm not sure I really want to go to that college.  They don't really care about me. And I advise you to do the same; I doubt they care about your needs either.

What Election?

By: Dominick Ward-Pistone {Who has apperently been living under a rock these past few weeks}

There is a scourge on this Earth.  A scourge determined to reap the world of all plant life, agricultural plants included!  It is a wretch known as the diabolical Purple Loofstrife!  Unsuspecting gardeners will plant this foreign and exotic weed in their gardens, simply for the mere reason that, "It looks purdey!"  Well let me just say, there is nothing pretty about this loathesome form of foliage.  Once planted, the purple loofstrife will spread its roots throughout the entire field, and consume all of the other crops' nutrients until it has completely drained their very life essence.  With every passing hour, this fiend will grow more and more powerful through the suffering of others.  It consumes flowers, grains, corn, EVEN OTHER WEEDS!  That's right, it's a cannibal!  But does the carnage stop there?  Oh no!  It lingers on… until