Dominick was born on April 3, 1984. He was born in St. Mary's hospital in Lewiston, Maine. He started school in McMahon Elementary School. During his middle school years he attended school at Hebron Academy. During his freshmen year of high school, he went to St. Dominic's Regional High School. His most recent school has been Lewiston High. Dominick is a member of the Math Team, Destination Imagination, the Chess Club, the Drama Club, the Debate Team, and the Student Paper. He is also on the Tennis Team. In his free time, Dominick enjoys building and painting miniature models, playing video games, and playing basketball. He has also expressed a personal interest in photography. Some how he still finds time in his schedule for writing Blue Blaze articles, in addition to writing mundane autobiographies in the third person.
Dominick is an atheist who is not afraid to express his beliefs in an argumentative manner. Dominick is also a pro-choice liberal, politically. His favorite articles for the Blue Blaze are editorials. In fact, he looks forward to becoming the new editorial chief of the Blue Blaze as soon as his predecessor, Jeff Lagasse, graduates. Dominick is also a patron of the movies. That is why, from time to time, a movie critique may find its way into the Blue Blaze. His favorite movie is Glory, even though he isn't usually a fan of war movies. Well, that's pretty much the basics of my... I mean Dominick's personality. That is all.