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What do you think of Spirit Week?
Here is one student's response...
Spirit Week is a time where everyone gets together as one and tries to make one week as fun as possible. Spirit Week is put together by the kids at the school and we do things like decorate halls, tug-o-war, soda chugging, and, on Friday, we have a ralley. Spirit Week is not a waste of time but a time for kids to come together as one and have fun.-Sylvia Gagnon

Wacky American Laws

by: Corey Potvin

  These are some of the most bizarre laws you'll ever see. Some of them have been repealed, but others are still in effect. 

Iowa - A kiss lasting over 5 minutes is against the law.

Baldwin Park, CA - It is unlawful to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.

San Gabriel, CA - Bees aren't allowed within the city limits.

Boston, MA - Mourners at a wake must not eat more than 3 sandwiches apiece.

Massachusetts - It is illegal to duel with water pistols.

Los Angelos, CA - A husband cannot whip his wife with a leather strap greater than two inches in width unless he first gets her written permission.

Augusta, ME - To stroll down the street while playing a violin is against the law.

Austin, TX - Shooting indians from a streetcar on Congress Avenue is illegal.

Florida - Having sexual relations with a porcupine is against the law.

Zion, IL - It is illegal to teach pets to smoke cigars.