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Musically Disgruntled!

isn't already incredibly interesting and amusing, of course), and it may as well be other people's inappropriate assumptions. I am now so completely excited about witnessing such an atrocity that I can hardly eat my lunch. I decide to investigate further.
    Nonchalantly, I return upstairs to the cafeteria (to throw my V8 can in the recycling bin, of course.) And, just as I had hoped, the blissfully unsuspecting kids summon me again. "Ska sucks!" (pardon the naughty verb) The perpetrators don't expect me to advance on them, but it's my duty, and I must! "Why do you say that?" I say, without giving them much time to answer. "You must have some reason, some logic to back up your theory," I continue. "So, do you mind telling me what it is?"
    And the response I got was absolutely the most intellectual statement I have ever heard come from the lips of an LHS student before! One of the kids explains, quite intently, "My friends don't like ska, therefore I don't like it - so therefore we conclude that it sucks." (sorry, that's not really a nice word, but it's in context, so what is a girl to do?)
    Honestly! No lies, o' faithful readers! So, I throw my head back and laugh. I am thinking, is that all you've got ?? you're out!, but of course I contain myself and reply, much more civilly than intended, "That's really funny. You're ignorance is great! You've made my day. There's always something to amuse you here. Thanks a lot." Then, I walk off, as they yell vulgarities in my direction.
    Isn't that the greatest story you're heard in ages?! And the best part is, it's true! It's brought to you in living color, right here at LHS. So, the reason I wanted to share this lovely little tale with you is because I wanted to make a point, (no really.)
    If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's not like you'll hurt my feelings or anything, but you might just get me excited. I might be inclined to "lash out" (um, state my opposing opinion so calmly that it will annoy the heck out of you.) But honestly, some people do get offended when you say, and to whom you say it. And for gosh sakes, don't go insulting things you know absolutely nothing about!
    This wise advice was brought directly to you by me, Mel B. I hope you take other people's  (my) feelings into consideration when you read (trash) this article. Thanks!

By: Melanie Beaudette
    Yes, well just when I thought Lewiston High didn't get more exciting, something wonderfully mortifying happened to me the other day at lunch! And, just to enlighten you, my fellow Blue Devils (wink, wink), I am going to tell the story in hopes that you will think before you rant!
    So, picture this. It's D lunch, on a White Day. And I've just finished wrestling with the lunch ladies for a simple plastic spoon (and darn it they wouldn't give me on because I didn't purchase my yogurt at school), and I am descending back to the band room (yeah, yeah, I'm a band dork...), when all of a sudden, I hear angered shouts in my direction! I turn to see some apparently disgruntled students yelling at me that ska music "sucks", quote unquote. Personally, I was laughing inside, because I have the patch on my jacket, ska is not my favorite music and I could care less what other think anyway. I turn towards to the perpetrators and reply mildly and slightly sarcastically, "Yeah, it does. I hate it, it's awful!"
    Well, I now realize that this added fuel to the fire. Stupid me. They seemed to take this whole exchange of remarks very seriously, and being the devious personality that I am, I found this even more amusing and became very excited and pleased. So, they yell again, and it's the exact same phrase as mentioned above, that they said the first time (don't want to repeat that atrocity more that once in this editorial!!) I try to hold back, but when opportunity calls, it calls! I say, "Well yeah okay, but so does trash metal." This was my horrific, yet appropriate response, and I assure you that I only said it to retaliate (hey, you can't expect me to be that mature, I'm only seventeen), and in no way does it necessarily represent my feelings about trash metal. Well, okay. It does represent my feelings about trash metal. But, I don't go imposing my feelings about it on other people, or condemning them because of their opinions.
    So, I decide to retreat to the band room, nearly choking down my yogurt from the laughter that wells up inside of me. You've got to have something to amuse you here at LHS (not that LHS