It's a way for us to tell everyone the stories that don't get told in the announcements, the opinions that aren't represented, or just the ideas that never seem to be put forth. We obviously try to amuse but also try to mean something sometimes. No, you don't have to read the Blaze but for us it is importantly that the Blaze is there. You can read it if you want to. You can hear was others are saying… but you don't have to (you could call it a joke or throw it away-- what's funny is that the people who do these things will never read this).
So why am I saying all of this? Well, for those people who really do care, who thrive on what they write (whether about politics or socks), and for those who just want to read about a drama show, ROTC, or just get a laugh from a top ten list.
As you may have noticed the Blaze staff is dominated by seniors though we do have our die-heart underclassmen as well who make up a very appreciated but small minority.
I want to see the Blaze survive and I know you all have opinions and stories you wouldn't mind seeing in print. Think about it. It's a process (getting articles, formatting, running the paper through the administration, photocopying, and dispersing) but seeing your name in print means a lot to us and there must be more of 'us' out there.