My Last Words
By: Kristen Schulze
Alas, this is my final contribution to the Blue Blaze, as my last day of school is on June 2. (Let us pause a moment to laugh at the underclassmen.) Although I don't really know what to write, I figured that I had better produce something, because it's my last chance. Since there isn't really any point in doing homework anymore (and now I wonder if there ever was) I figure I have loads of time to write some amusing article for the beloved Blaze.
I've already written one of those sappy 'I'm leaving high school and it's kinda sad' articles, so it's time for a different type. Besides, I'm pretty much over that now and I just want to get the **** out of here and stop having people waste my time. I say this, of course, but I'll probably bawl at graduation. Familiarity breeds contempt, as they say, but familiarity is also very comfortable and change is hard. That is why we reminisce, why we will spend the entire summer thinking of our high school 'careers' and all the stuff we did. As soon as we're out of college or the military, whichever it may be, we'll spend the rest of our lives recounting stories from that time. But try not to forget high school. It seems like if you talk to older people (40 +) they can barely remember high school, if they went. I don't think it should be like that. So buy your yearbook!! (shameless plug). Anyway, I've decided to do something that I don't think I've ever done (that's kind of been my goal this year) and make a list. I don't remember ever making a list for the Blaze, but that doesn't mean anything. After four years of high school, I'm surprised I remember anything at all. So here it is, a first and last from one of the many departing senior contributors to the Blaze.
Things to Make Sure to DO During High School:
1. Be forced to lie to your parents (for a good reason)
2. party (this includes many, many things, most of which I cannot mention here.)
3. get to know at least one of your teachers as a person
4. join a club or sport. The one thing you always hear people complain about when they discuss high school is that they should have joined this or that. Don't leave room for regret.
5. go to the dances, they wont be so easily available and cheap when you get older
6. go to your prom(s) they won't come again
7. participate in spirit week instead of tearing down the decorations and staring at the cheerleaders' legs during the rally. I won't say that you won't regret it, but, heck, it's an experience
8. do things with people who you don't know very well.
9. blow off homework whenever possible to take advantage of social opportunities or to enjoy your favorite hobby. Think about it: what will you remember better: reading chapter five in your government book or going out with friends to cone someone's car and eat ice cream?
10. eat lunch outside
11. get in trouble. not a lot, of course, just enough to make you sound cool to your kids. And how else will you get to meet our wonderful disciplinarian, Mr. Bouchles? That's something you don't want to miss.
12. sleep through all the movies we watch in class
13. Get crazy, but not stupid. Getting wasted is not necessarily stupid, but driving under the influence, getting caught by parents or the police and going to school while still on the toasty side are definitely stupid.
14. Get out of school as much as possible with valid excuses like appointments or something. Forget that perfect attendance stuff. You'll never win the car anyway.
15. Finally, enjoy yourself and the fact that you have it pretty easy as far as responsibility goes. Some of you may not think so, and I'm not one to judge your lives, but looking into the future with all the bills and the house and the kids and the 9-5 job with no three months off makes the now look pretty damn good.
I would list 'take advantage of bomb days', but I don't want to encourage anyone, even though it was pretty fun to get out of school by surprise. Anyway, as we seniors depart, this school will never be the same, to us or to anyone else. Big changes are coming, teachers coming and going as well. Enjoy high school, you people who don't get out until the middle of June. :) It goes pretty fast. Farewell.