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10 ways to tell if someone is a freshman

By: Aimee Jack

They're usually a freshman if…

- They are hunched over under the enormous weight of a backpack carrying all of their worldly possessions

- They are headed upstairs with a confused look on their face, muttering one word under their breath…pool

- They are congregating in the downstairs C hallway

- They smile at everyone, hoping to find a friendly face (don't worry, upperclassmen don't bite)

- You hear them say, "Do ya want to know what I learned in Health Class?"

- They don't fill in the appropriate response during the "other" LHS school song

- They don't know the words to the LHS school song

- As soon as the bell rings they rush off to their next class

- They are more enthusiastic than most

- They suddenly take on the appearance of a gazelle caught in the beam of an oncoming Mack truck

Good luck freshmen in your next four years here at LHS!!!