Some things to think about...
By: Johanna Mathieu
-Have you ever been so tired that you thought about how tired you were and then promptly forgot what you were just thinking about?
-Have you ever forgotten how to spell 'who'? (ho, hoo, hu?)
-Have you ever been trying to sleep and then came up with a really great idea, but you were too lazy to get out of bed and write it down so it became lost forever?
-Have you ever written something down on a 'to do' list just to cross it off and feel like
you've accomplished something?
-Have you ever done something really stupid and then did it again just to see if you looked stupid doing it?
-Have you ever been sitting down and realized you need to do something so you think about getting up for a while and then finally get up only to find you forgot what you are going to do?
-Have you ever been doing some work, seemingly fully awake, and then you saw a bed on television or in a picture and became so sleepy?
-Have you ever stared at yourself so long in a mirror that you freaked yourself out and had to avoid mirrors for the rest of the day?
-Have you ever been reading a really dull book and your mind started wandering so that 2 pages later you realized you were supposed to be paying attention and don't know what happened-- but you were too lazy to go back and read it over?