Movie Review; The Blair Witch Project
By: Johanna Mathieu
This summer was filled with lots of interesting and varied movies but the one movie the undoubtedly got the most media coverage was The Blair Witch Project. Having heard about the movie from a friend whose sister had seen it when it was first released in Boston I check it out before all of the hype began in the Lewiston area. Entering the movie theater all I knew was that I was about to see a fake-documentary, low-budget horror film. Therefore I wasn't expecting very much. After the innumerable credits used to compensate for less than traditional short length of the film it started with a wobbly camera and boxed image. "Different," I thought to myself, "It may have potential." Potential lead to an actual plot- surprising for a horror film- and different meant creative.
Overall I was quite impressed with the product. The idea that 3 people could put together a coherent movie in 8 days with a budget of $30,000 was quite impressive. The movie was somewhat gripping and not your standard horror film in which the viewers nap between jumping-out-of-your-seat effects. However I do have some mixed feelings. After the 5th day of filming it got a little repetitive. Also, for all of you that have seen it- didn't you just want to slap chic a couple of times? She got so annoying! I've come to the conclusion that it was well done for the resources it used but do you really think it would be as popular if the product was the same but was a Sylvester Stalone film for $1 million. Everyone seems to like the film because of the situation surrounding it and not its quality. Because of this expect many imitations in the future from the would-be movie maker. I suggest that everyone see The Blair Witch Project but a $7.75 Hoyts ticket isn't worth it. Wait until it comes out on video.