Career Choices
By: Johanna Mathieu
Need help choosing a career? Use this easy access chart to help you decide what to be. Simply decide what subjects you like the best and follow the advice given!
-Do you like history, French, art, and music? ... Work as a historian in the Louvre and join a barbershop quartet on the weekends.
-Do you like math, publishing, and sculpture? ... Sculpt pi to the 724th decimal place and publish your progress in National Geographic
-Do you like cooking, history, gym, and Spanish? ... Make a hundred burritos in different stages of being eaten, shalaque them, and display them in a gym under a poster saying, "The history of the burrito you ate yesterday... just to remind you why you are here."
-Do you like anatomy, creative writing, child care, and psychology? ... Write horror stories including detailed accounts of human anatomy, publish them, and view their psychological affects on children.
-Do you like government, Latin, theater, and math? ... Produce 5 act plays about the life of Pythagorus in Latin and perform them in front of various country leaders including dictators and presidents.